Share Certificate - Form SH 12 | Download Free Template

1. What is Form SH 12 ?
Form SH 12 contains the format of the debenture trust deed. Every company issuing debentures has to appoint a debenture trustee who shall act as custodian of the debentureholders. The company is also required to execute Debenture Trust deed in favour of the debenture trustees within three months of closure of the issue or offer to secure / protect the interest of debenture holders. The format of the debenture trust deed is given in Form SH 12.
2. Why is it Important ?
This form contains the format of debenture trust deed so that companies can use standard particulars.
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Sophie Asveld
February 14, 2019
Email is a crucial channel in any marketing mix, and never has this been truer than for today’s entrepreneur. Curious what to say.
Sophie Asveld
February 14, 2019
Email is a crucial channel in any marketing mix, and never has this been truer than for today’s entrepreneur. Curious what to say.