How To Avoid Lengthy Dispute Resolution In Indian Courts

Still vastly manual and file-based, the Indian legal system is burdened with cases stacked ceiling high. With this tremendous backlog of clients waiting for dispute resolution, the legal process can stretch on for years, coercing clients into numerous court visits and unwarranted legal fees.
For businesses, this process is even lengthier! Even though Indian corporate law is thoroughly set in stone, numerous types of legal entities and incomplete business registrations make legal compliance an absolute nightmare to defend in court.
Attorneys well versed in the courtroom drama of Indian law can expertly navigate through these bureaucratic processes. But even major metropolitan city legal services, such as corporate law firms in Delhi, often stall the justice system - whether due to unpreparedness or just greed.
Here are some steps attorneys should be taking to prevent a lengthy legal process.
Prevent delays
Dispute resolution in India is often sidetracked due to deferred court dates. It is imperative that your attorney does not allow the opposition to seek future dates without genuine cause. Take a strong stance against postponements and instruct your lawyer to do the same.
Maintain written records
Present written records to the court of your arguments against delays. Not only does this make your stance more credible, but it also helps your case in higher courts. Hold your opposition accountable for every delay in court and ask for sufficient reasons, backed by evidence of the same.
In case of delay
Sometimes delays are completely unavoidable. In such situations, leaving the opposition to their own devices could mean future dates that are months away! Under no circumstance should you settle for this. Make an argument for a court date within the same week, and include the same in your written record as well.
Ask for a verdict
Demand a verdict once you’ve made your case and submitted all arguments for the dispute resolution process. Your opposition may ask for additional time, which will only serve to disrupt the legal structure. Get a ruling while your arguments are fresh in mind of the judge.
Pay smart
Corporate lawyers in particular may ask you to pay them by date. This is extremely flawed, as it gives your legal representative further incentive to delay courtroom proceedings and earn a bigger paycheck. Instead choose to settle on a final, fixed amount so that he/she does all in their power to settle dispute at the earliest date possible.
Lawyered provides an online platform that connects you with the most accomplished lawyers in Delhi, Mumbai and all across India for quick dispute resolution.
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