Form 49B | Download Free Templates

1. What is Form 49B?
Form 49B is for application for allotment of TAN number or collection and deduction account number under section 203A of Income Tax Act,1961.
Format and Contents of Form 49B the primary section contains details of the office and designation of the person. The second section requires the entire residential address of the individual. Form submission data is to be provided within the next section.
1. Why is form 49B used?
Form 49B is an application for allotment of TAN number. Tax Deduction Account Number or Tax Collection Account Number is 10-digit alpha-numeric number issued by the Income Tax Department.
● Form 49B has got to be filled in English and in block letters.
● For better readability and clarity, it's important to fill one character in each box [this includes alphabet/number/punctuation mark].
● In case you employ your left impression, the shape should be attested by a Magistrate or a notary or a Gazetted Officer, under official seal and stamp.
● Deductors and collectors should provide details of the assessing officer (TDS/TCS) within the form. These details are often easily taken from the tax office.
● Additionally, the deductor/collector must fill the Range Code, AO Number, Area Code, etc. These details also can be obtained from TIN Facilitation Centre (TIN-FC) or the tax office.
● Make sure you fill the shape co
● It is mandatory to fill the 'Designation of the author for creating payment/collecting tax' field wherever applicable.
● The applicant’s address has to be Indian address only.
● Select details concerning office name, office address, the sort of state it falls under, the designation of one that will make tax payments on behalf of the entity, division of company, company branch, and knowledge on whether the TAN is within the name of a private or HUF (Hindu Undivided Family) etc.
● To select details with the address of the entity which incorporates the entire address like the road name, block number, state town, street number, state, area, town etc.
● Information about the nationality of the deductor.
● If applicable, PAN (permanent account number) has got to be mentioned.
● Existing tax write-off Number and Existing collection Number has got to be filled during this section
● The next piece of data to tend is that the date on which the shape has got to be submitted.
● Details of the assessing officer must be furnished by the taxman or deductor. And these details if not available are often assessed from the tax website.
● Any blank sections won't be considered, therefore Form 49B should be filled completely.
● The one who is filing and submitting the tax should mandatorily list his/her designation.
● Make sure the applicant’s address is an Indian address.
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February 14, 2019
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Sophie Asveld
February 14, 2019
Email is a crucial channel in any marketing mix, and never has this been truer than for today’s entrepreneur. Curious what to say.