Finder Fee Agreement | Download Free Templates

1. What is the Finder Fee Agreement?
In this era of competition, even a single client/customer is very important for a company engaged in the consumer delivery segment. They engage themselves in campaigns to increase outreach. This finder fee agreement is entered into between the customers and the middleman who undertake to bring potential leads/ clients to the company to increase their business and in return for a minimal referral amount or commission.
2. Why is it important?
a. It helps in the generation of business opportunities.
b. It helps in avoiding disputes.
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Sophie Asveld
February 14, 2019
Email is a crucial channel in any marketing mix, and never has this been truer than for today’s entrepreneur. Curious what to say.
Sophie Asveld
February 14, 2019
Email is a crucial channel in any marketing mix, and never has this been truer than for today’s entrepreneur. Curious what to say.