Triple A Solution | Awareness | Accessibility | Affordability

Triple A Solution : Awareness, Accessibility and Affordability in terms of Legal Empowerment
The Indian Constitution rests much upon the basic underline aspect of providing affordable means to access justice. Not only this, but it also thrives on creating awareness regarding the fundamental rights enshrined under it. A lack of legal knowledge i.e. awareness regarding rights, means and tools to access justice, and the role in law making etc. can cause and may lead to vulnerability which can be taken advantage of. Hence, as a principle of caution to everyone who want to protect and preserve their rights and need to secure themself from offensive harassment must gain and attain some legal knowledge. The current scenario also demands that in case of any legal trouble, the person must have means to access legal assistance and can afford it by all means.
Lawyered,a tech-legal initiative in this regard has found out "Triple-A Solution" for the public to deal with their legal problems and also have access to and affordable solutions for their every legal problem. The company has also taken an initiative to create awareness in the society for the greater cause of all who are less or unaware about their rights.
Triple-A in Triple-A Solution means Awareness, Access and Affordability.
Awareness- Lawyered also contributes by creating legal awareness in the public domain through articles, videos, legal question-answer sessions, etc. Contemporary legal topics that benefit the readers by making them aware of their rights and liabilities are contributed by the company and also other members from the legal fraternity on the website of Lawyered. Lawyered also gives access to various legal information like different legal templates, e.x. Notice, Sale deeds, Partnership deeds, and legal forms such as form for Incorporation of the company etc.making the public aware about the requirement of these documents and making them legally independent and not fall back on lawyers for such pity purposes.
Access- Lawyered provides public access to a wide range of lawyers who are specialized in the different areas of law which is broadcasted on the website of Lawyered in the name of ‘Lawyered for Lawyer’. The public can look at their profile before booking an appointment with these specialized lawyers to address their legal issues.
Affordability- Lawyered provides affordable solutions to many corporates and organizations. Some of the subscriptions such as ‘Lawyered on Wheelz’ for private vehicles and 'Lawyer on the Spot' for commercial vehicles provides On Road Legal Assistance to its members. Another subscription i.e. Startup Membership for new entrepreneurs in the industry provides affordable solutions and tips regarding their new business setup.
The company’s initiative in providing access and awareness to the citizens worldwide is highly appreciated on the platforms like google and linkedIn. In the afterworld of Covid-19, helping citizens get access to lawyers and creating awareness for them through online mode is a very thoughtful decision. For Example- Due to restrictions on traveling etc, having legal opinions from the specialized advocate through a call is a prized win for the company. Purchasing Lawyered membership is advantageous and is all that a person requires to be legally independent and aware of his legal rights.
Sophie Asveld
February 14, 2019
Email is a crucial channel in any marketing mix, and never has this been truer than for today’s entrepreneur. Curious what to say.
Sophie Asveld
February 14, 2019
Email is a crucial channel in any marketing mix, and never has this been truer than for today’s entrepreneur. Curious what to say.