Reading The Fine Print: The Ignored Sections Of Contracts And Legal Documentation

Author - Advocate Vikas Mehta (Advocate On Record)
Even the most prudent of people often ignore to read the fine print in contracts and legal documentation. The most common example of this, is the Terms & Conditions section in mobile apps and for newly purchased products.
Shadier organizations can use these lengthy contracts to hide additional charges and limit liability, while fulfilling their legal compliances in one fell swoop. Signed contracts can tie the hands of customers who - through their own negligence - are then unable to take dispute resolution to court.
Here are some commonly ignored sections in the three most popular types of contracts and legal documentation.
Waivers & Service Agreements
Waivers and service agreements can be used to pass on liability directly to you, the customer, while masking incompetent services in the form of
- Broken equipment
- Unsafe work environments
- Harmful situations
- Risks - known and unknown
- Bad advice
Liability waivers and service agreements can even make a case against dispute resolution, forcing you to follow arbitration procedures instead of taking the company to court or suing them. Be sure to go through contracts and legal documentation word for word, from start to end!
Apartment Leases
Lease documents are notorious for including hidden charges. Ensure what you are agreeing on verbally, is represented in your apartment lease as well.
- Security Deposits
Deposits are the first thing landlords aim to seize. Simple reasons such as chipped paint could lead to a completely voided security deposit. Go over these terms in detail. Other examples of violations could include noise complaints, smoking and even inviting guests.
- Privacy Rights
Some contracts give landlords the right to enter your apartment at their own whim. Get rid of any such clauses in contracts and legal documentation to maintain your privacy.
- Additional Fees
Termination fees, late payment fees and maintenance fees are some additional charges that could get tacked on to your lease agreement.
Don’t be in a rush to sign your lease. Lawyered helps connect customers to contracts and legal documentation lawyers in Gurgaon, Delhi, Mumbai and all over India to go over lease agreements and keep you protected.
Credit Card Contracts
Credit card companies offer enticing deals such as 0% interest rates and huge credit limits. These incredible offers should be considered with a pinch of salt, because their caveats can be plenty, and impossible to uphold without bearing hefty fees.
- Interest Rates
While corporate law can prevent credit card companies from exceeding a specific rate of interest, it can not prevent them from let’s say, charging at a higher rate for transfers, or for increasing interest rates on negative changes to your credit score.
- Additional Fees
Late fees and annual fees are forms of additional payment that many credit card holder are completely unaware of, until they get charged!
- International Fees
For individual and organizations that make frequent payments to clients or employees overseas, international transaction fees need to be carefully considered before deciding upon a card.
Use Lawyered to get in touch with the best contracts and legal documentation lawyers across India.
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